💕How to Use Nai on Discord

Join our server and generate amazing art with the imgnAI community!

How to generate art with Nai on Discord

Step 1 - Join a server with Nai installed

Join the imgnAI server (https://discord.gg/imgnai) and head to the AI Generations section.

You can use the #sfw channel for Safe for Work generations and the #nsfw channel for Not Safe for Work content.

Choose either Safe for Work (SFW) or Not Safe for Work (NSFW)

Step 2 - Choose a model and write your prompt

Type / and the model menu will appear. Click to select a model, then type in your prompt (a description of your image). The /imagine command runs your prompt through 4 unique models.

Choose a model or use /imagine, which gives you 4 model responses in 1!

Your image will be generated and appear in the channel. Each prompt generates 4 images.

Your results are displayed in the channel

Step 3 - Using the buttons

Once you've entered your prompt and the initial image grid has been generated, you can use the buttons to select an image, create variations, or transform with remix/chaos.

Select Buttons

The 'S' buttons allow you to select an individual image. From there, you can create further variations, transform with remix/chaos, or upscale the resolution.

Click the corresponding S button to generate a higher resolution version of your image

Variation Buttons

You can use the Variations button to create variations of an image. For example, by clicking 'V1' below, we created 4 more variations of image 1 from the grid.

Click v1 to generate 4 variations of the first grid image

You can create variations from the grid, or you can select an image and then create variations using the same model.

Click Variations to generate 4 variations using the same model


The Remix button regenerates your prompt with random prompt modifiers. The added tags are shown in the results so you can use any you like in future generations.

You can use remix on a selected image, or use it to transform your original grid.

Click Remix to regenerate the same prompt with additional, automatically chosen tags

Chaos Button

Similar to Remix, the chaos button regenerates your prompt with added prompt modifiers. However, the added tags are more random and meant to more drastically transform the original image.

You can use chaos on a selected image, or use it to transform your original grid.

Click Chaos to add some elaborate fun tags to your prompt

Re-Imagine Button

Select and image and use the re-imagine button to re-run this image through the four models used by the /imagine command.

Click Re-imagine to generate the image using the 4 /imagine models

Advanced tags

Advanced tags can be used to further transform your creations with Nai. Please note that some of these tags/commands are currently only for Beta Users.

Advanced tags available:

--remix : Add some randomly generated prompts to mix up your art style! --chaos : Add a lot of randomly generated prompts to radically alter your art style! --private : Prevent other users from seeing your input image as a thumbnail. --lock : Lock your generation, preventing other users from generating variations of it. Note: You can also DM Nai to generate and receive images privately, without them being posted in a channel! --wide : Generates your image in wide dimensions (1.5:1) --tall : Generates your image in tall dimensions (1:1.5) --hq : Enable HQ (756x756) image canvas (BETA) --hd : Enable HD (1024x1024) image canvas (BETA - 1:1 dimensions only) Note: --hq can be mixed with either --wide, or --tall! --raw : Removes Nai's Prompt Engineering (can result in low quality images - recommended for advanced users only) --seed=x : Sets a seed x for your image (typically used for iterative work on the same generation), eg: --seed=1234 --cfg=x : Manually define a scale for how strictly Nai should follow your prompts. eg: --cfg=16 would specify the strictest adherence, sacrificing overall quality. --uc=[x, y, z..] : Defines unwanted tags in your image - for example, --uc=[sun, moon, stars] would explicitely ask Nai to avoid including the sun, moon, or stars in your image

All advanced tags begin with a double-hyphen, and should be added to your generation prompt as normal For example: to use the --wide and --hq tags on the prompt pink hair catgirl, you'd simply update your prompt to pink hair catgirl --wide --hq Commas and placement do not affect advanced tags, though we recommend placing advanced tags at the end of prompts

Last updated