imgnAI Beta access
Verify your $IMGNAI holdings and access Nai Beta!
Last updated
Verify your $IMGNAI holdings and access Nai Beta!
Last updated
If you hold at least 100,000 $ImgnAI tokens, you can gain access to our beta user section for Nai Lords & Ladies. Beta users get access to exclusive features and models prior to public release.
To become a beta user, verify your holdings using Collabland. This is a secure service which does not access any token holdings.
You can verify in the #collabland-join
channel in the imgnAI server.
For more guidance and information about Collabland, visit their site
Once you've verified your wallet, head to Nai Lords & Ladies
where you can use the beta features!
You can also use beta features in DM or in your own server if Nai is added and enabled.